The Brazilian Wax
Naked Yeti Skin Studio's roots are in waxing. We have been Brazilian wax specialists since 2010 and would love for you to love the Brazilian wax as much as we do.
What is a Brazilian Wax?
Brazilian waxing gained popularity in the 1990s and has since become a preferred choice for those seeking a clean and long-lasting solution. A Brazilian wax can mean different things to different people. At Naked Yeti, a Brazilian wax removes as much or as little hair from the bikini area as you wish, hair removed from the labia and between the cheeks. We use a combination of hard and soft waxes to expertly and gently remove the hair, root included.
How Long Does it Last?
After your first wax, it’s usually about 10 days before you start seeing some hair start to peek through. Once you have established a consistent wax routine, you can expect about 2 1/2 weeks before seeing hair again. When it does start to come back, it is softer, and less dense than before.
How Often Do I Need to Wax?
For most of us, every 4 weeks is a good schedule. During the summer when we are frequently in bathing suits, 3 weeks is better for some. Long-term waxing can lead to reduced growth.
Is it Good For My Skin?
Waxing not only removes the hair but also exfoliates the skin leaving it softer, and smoother. One of the biggest advantages of Brazilian waxing is that it reduces the risk of painful and unsightly razor bumps and ingrown hairs. By removing hair from the root, there's no stubble left behind to cause irritation.
Does it Hurt?
It doesn’t hurt as much as you might think it does. Several things can affect the pain factor.
The skill of the provider - choose your provider wisely, this is a highly specialized service. You don’t want to be anyone’s Brazilian waxing guinea pig.
First wax - the first wax is always the most uncomfortable as you have all the phases of hair growth.
State of your body and emotions - Are you tired? Are you nervous? Did you eat enough today? Did you have a spat with your partner? Where you are in your cycle….it all plays in.
Consistency - keeping to a regular 4-ish week schedule will minimize discomfort.
How to Prepare for Your Wax
Allow hair to grow to at least 1 cm long or for about 10 days. If your hair is quite long, a trim can be helpful as long as it is not too short.
Try to schedule your wax after your cycle. We tend to be more sensitive the week before and during our period.
Have a snack before your appointment. A snack makes everything better.
Easy on the caffeine, too much of a good thing can make us jumpy!
Don’t watch bad wax YouTube videos or listen to anyone's home wax horror story. It doesn’t have to be like that;)
At Naked Yeti, we encourage you to commit to at least 2 waxes. You will likely be surprised at how much more comfortable your second wax is, as well as how great it is to not have the discomfort of stubbly regrowth. Book for every four weeks, gently exfoliate and moisturize between appointments and you won’t believe that you shaved for as long as you did!